Use Aromatherapy to Enhance Your Yoga Practice

Use Aromatherapy to Enhance Your Yoga Practice

Last Updated on February 2, 2022 by Organic Aromas

Both yoga and aromatherapy are holistic practices that can help you improve the health of your mind, body, and soul.  Using aromatherapy during your yoga practice, a practice sometimes referred to as “yogaroma,” can help you clear your mind, relax your body, and open your soul, so you can focus on your vinyasas and get the most out of your yoga routine.  So it is recommended that you include aromatherapy into your yoga practice.

How To Include Essential Oils In Your Yoga Routine

There are two powerful ways to incorporate essential oils into your yoga routine.  The first is by diffusing the essential oil into the room to get the amazing benefits of inhalation aromatherapy.  Yoga is a breathing-focused practice, so it is an ideal time to incorporate aromatherapy inhalation because with slow, deep breaths, your body can better disperse and apply the oil to the necessary areas.  The second is to apply essential oil directly to your pulse points with a roller ball, which will help improve your circulation and disperse the powerful effects.  The best part is if you use the same oils throughout the day, it will remind you of your yoga practice help you keep maintain a bodhi mind all day long.

Best Oils For Yogaroma

There are several oils you can include in your yogaroma routine.  First you need to determine your goals.  Do you want to relax, reduce muscle tension, and de-stress?  Or are you looking to energize and awaken your mind?  Perhaps you are looking to increase your awareness and nourish your spirit?  No matter what you are looking for there are oils that can help enhance your yoga practice.  Here are some of the essential oils we recommend:

For Your Body:

  • Basil oil: Soothe sore muscles and release muscle tension
  • Sandalwood: Helps strengthen and center your body so you can nail your poses
  • Peppermint: Promotes breathing awareness and opens your air passages

For Your Mind:

  • Lavender: Calms your mind and reduce your stress and anxiety
  • Patchouli: Grounds your mind and promotes mindfulness
  • Clary sage: Energizes your mind and awakens the senses

For Your Spirit:

  • Grapefruit: Purifies and cleanses your soul
  • Bergamot: Nourishes and enriches your spirit
  • Cypress: Promotes enlightenment and the bodhi mind

Balance Your Chakras

Another great way you can incorporate essential oils into your yoga routine is to help balance, align, and enhance the power of your chakras.  Your chakras are where your energy flows and clearing the path and strengthening them cannot only help you improve your yoga routine, but can help you in all areas of your life. 

The best essential oils for each chakra:

  • Crown: Your crown chakra is where understanding, acceptance, and bliss reside.  Sandalwood is a great essential oil for the crown because it promotes grounding and mindfulness.
  • Third Eye: The third eye chakra is where we question the spiritual nature of our lives.  To help open the third eye and promote a deeper understanding, use jasmine essential oil.  Jasmine helps promote awareness and perceptive abilities.
  • Throat: The throat chakra is the center of communication and speech.  Eucalyptus essential oil can help clear the throat, strengthening the flow of energy.
  • Heart: The heart chakra is the home of the soul so you want to promote love, harmony, and peace.  Geranium oil cultivates love, passion, and nurturing, so it is the best oil for your heart chakra.
  • Solar: The solar chakra is really important to the practice of yoga because it is where self-respect and and your emotions live.  Sweet orange essential oil helps break up the buildup of stress that can live in your solar chakra and strengthen your emotional acceptance and promote self-love.
  • Sacral: You sacral chakra is where both your creativity and sexuality reside.  Ylang ylang essential oil is an aphrodisiac and will stimulate your sacral chakra so you are more receptive to positive energy, love, and imaginative thinking.
  • Root: The root is the base of the chakras, it is where you need to focus most of your attention.  With a strong, grounded base, the rest of your chakras will be easier to align.  Frankincense is the best oil for grounding and balancing your chakras, and is essential to any yogaroma routine.

There are several ways you can incorporate essential oils into your yoga routine to help improve your mind, body, and spirit.  You can target different needs or make a blend to help improve your whole practice.  To get the most of the beneficial effects of yogaroma, you need to make sure that you are only using the highest quality essential oils.  The 100% pure, organic oils from Organic Aromas are designed specifically for therapeutic use, and can be trusted to promote mindfulness, heal your body, and cleanse your spirit.  So check out our great selection today to start a yogaroma practice.

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  1. I really enjoyed this blog post and topic. I have learned so much about how to incorporate essential oils into my yoga practice and how to balance my chakras. Thank you for all the great info and tips.

  2. Thank you for the informative article. I recently purchased the Radiance diffuser for my sister, as she’s going through some health problems right now (a lot of stress). She’s told me how this has already helped her stress levels and mood. Although she doesn’t do yoga, her new diffuser puts a smile on her face every time she turns it on. It’s absolutely true that aromatherapy can make a difference!

  3. I love mine for stress reduction and to help me sleep. When our 2 kittens are rather pumped up, it works great to relax those two little ones. So that equals peace for me! Love reading articles about different uses

  4. I tried many oils with my Organicaromas diffuder and it does work on many levers. All the informations we get on the use of the essential oil are very precious and make the use of oil safer and more effective.

    Thanks for all the informations.

  5. I love my diffuser and would like to have a second one for another area in my apt. I like frankincense, lemon, lavender and ylang ylang lll . I need to save up to purchase some more kinds..very pleasant to use.

  6. I started using essential oils about a year and a half ago, initially for the wonderful smell it gave my home. I quickly discovered all the benefits they have and I am now a daily user. I use a blend I made for hubby’s restless legs at night, which works wonders. I also use aroma therapy to change the mood of my home. Sounds crazy I know. But using different scents can really bring a sense of balance, calm, happiness and even change how a room feels. Really great article. Although I can’t do a lot of yoga, I do use the aromatherapy for meditation to bring a sense of balance.

  7. Gasp! The laser engraved diffuser is gorgeous. I have have saving to get one of your beautiful diffusers. My favorite oil combo right now is lavender, eucalyptus and tea tree. It’s in my water diffuser as we speak.

  8. I couldn’t sleep so came out to my favorite chair and turned on my diffuser.
    Love the informative information in this blog. My husband has recently been diagnosed with a serious disease and our stress levels are high. Purchasing your diffuser has been one of my most loved purchases. We use a lot of ylang ylang and lavender, but from this blog I see we need to expand our oil collection.
    Thank you!

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