What Essential Oils are Good for Snoring

What Essential Oils are Good for Snoring

Last Updated on January 8, 2024 by Pegura Chad

Chances are, if you sleep alone, you have no idea if you snore through the night. If you sleep in the same room, or even the same house, as another person, you might have heard all about your loud snoring over a bleary-eyed cup of coffee.

Some think that those who snore are luckier than those who live with them. If you’ve ever been kept up until all hours of the morning or spent a restless night waking up every hour to the sound of a jackhammer, you might want to consider essential oils for snoring.

Essential Oils: A Natural Remedy to Reduce Swelling and Combat Snoring

In this modern era of medicine, many people are looking for more natural remedies for common ailments. Essential oils – concentrated plant extracts that maintain the natural smell and flavor of their source – have been used for thousands of years to promote physical and mental health. In particular, they can be highly effective in reducing swelling and combating snoring. There are many essential oils for snoring.

How Essential Oils Can Help Reduce Swelling

Swelling, or inflammation, is the body’s natural response to injury or illness. It’s a protective attempt by your body to remove harmful stimuli and begin the healing process. However, excessive swelling can lead to discomfort and pain. This is where essential oils come into play.

Many essential oils possess anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce swelling. They work by inhibiting the production of chemicals in the body that trigger an inflammatory response. Besides, they can stimulate blood flow to the affected area, helping to speed up the healing process.

10 Essential Oils That Can Help With Snoring

Snoring is often caused by partial blockage of the upper airway due to relaxed muscles or inflammation. Some essential oils can help alleviate snoring by reducing inflammation, improving respiratory health, and promoting relaxation. Here are ten essential oils known for their potential to combat snoring:

Peppermint Oil: Peppermint oil has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce swelling in the membranes of the nasal passages, thus facilitating easier breathing.

Eucalyptus Oil: Eucalyptus oil can help clear the airways and decongest the passages, making it beneficial for those who snore due to nasal congestion.

Lavender Oil: Known for its calming and sleep-promoting effects, lavender oil can help relax the body and reduce snoring.

Thyme Oil: Thyme essential oil is believed to support respiratory health, and some suggest it might be beneficial for those with sleep apnea.

Tea Tree Oil: With its powerful anti-inflammatory properties, tea tree oil can help reduce inflammation in the respiratory tract that may cause snoring.

Lemon Oil: Lemon oil’s refreshing and cleansing properties can help clear the nasal passages, promoting easier breathing.

Pine Oil: Pine essential oil can help reduce inflammation and clear the airways, making it a useful oil for combating snoring.

Marjoram Oil: Marjoram oil is often recommended for snoring due to its potential to clear the sinuses and promote smooth breathing.

Geranium Oil: Geranium oil can help alleviate nasal congestion and prevent throat infections, both of which can contribute to snoring.

Roman Chamomile Oil: Known for its calming effects, Roman chamomile oil can help relax the body and promote better sleep, potentially reducing snoring. Sage oil is another great option to consider.

How to Use Essential Oils for Snoring

Before using essential oils, it’s important to remember that they should never be applied directly to the skin or ingested without being properly diluted. Here are a few ways you can use essential oils to combat snoring:

Diffuser: Add a few drops of your chosen essential oil to a diffuser and let it run throughout the night.

Topical Application: Dilute the essential oil with a carrier (such as coconut or almond oil) and apply it topically to the chest or under the nose before bed.

Steam Inhalation: Add a few drops of essential oil to a bowl of hot water, cover your head with a towel, and inhale the steam.

Remember, while essential oils can provide relief from snoring, they should not be used as a replacement for professional medical advice. If you or your partner’s snoring is causing significant sleep disruption or other health concerns, it’s important to consult a healthcare provider.

Top Lifestyle Changes to Combat Snoring

Snoring is a common sleep concern that affects many people around the world. It can disrupt your sleep and the sleep of those around you, leading to daytime fatigue, irritability, and other health problems. While medical treatments are available, making certain lifestyle changes can help reduce snoring. Here are some of the best lifestyle modifications you can make to combat snoring.

1. Maintain a Healthy Weight

Excess weight, particularly around the neck, can put pressure on your airway, causing it to partially collapse which leads to snoring. Losing even a few pounds can reduce fatty tissue in the back of the throat and decrease, or even stop, snoring.

A balanced diet and regular exercise can help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Incorporate a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains into your diet. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity a week, along with strength training exercises twice a week.

2. Avoid Alcohol and Sedatives

Alcohol and sedatives can relax the muscles in your throat, interfering with breathing and leading to snoring. This effect is especially pronounced if these substances are consumed shortly before bedtime.

Consider reducing your overall alcohol consumption, and avoid drinking alcohol at least three hours before bedtime. If you’re currently taking sedatives, speak with your healthcare provider about potential alternatives or adjustments to your medication regimen that might help reduce snoring.

3. Quit Smoking

Smoking can irritate the membranes in the nose and throat which can block the airways and cause snoring. Quitting smoking is, therefore, a potent way to alleviate snoring and improve your overall health.

Quitting smoking can be challenging, but numerous resources can help, including nicotine replacement therapy, prescription medications, and behavioral therapy. It’s also beneficial to avoid secondhand smoke exposure as much as possible.

4. Establish Regular Sleep Patterns

Irregular sleep patterns can lead to overtiredness, which in turn can cause your throat muscles to relax more than usual when you do sleep, leading to snoring. Therefore, maintaining a consistent sleep schedule can be beneficial.

Aim to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This can help regulate your body’s internal clock and ensure you get adequate rest, reducing the likelihood of snoring.

5. Sleep on Your Side

Sleeping on your back can cause your tongue and soft palate to collapse into your throat, which can partially block your airway and lead to snoring. Sleeping on your side can help prevent this.

Try using a full-length body pillow to support your back if you find it hard to maintain sleeping on your side. Some people also find it helpful to sew a tennis ball in the back of their pajama top, which can discourage you from rolling onto your back while you sleep.

Essential Oil Blends to Combat Snoring

Here are five essential oil blends that may help reduce snoring.

Eucalyptus & Peppermint Blend: Eucalyptus essential oil and peppermint essential oil are some of the best essential oils that can help clear the sinuses and open up the airways, potentially reducing snoring. Mix 2 drops of each in a diffuser and let it run in your bedroom before you go to sleep.

Lavender & Chamomile Blend: These calming oils can promote deep, restful sleep and might help relax the throat muscles, decreasing the chance of snoring. Mix 3 drops of lavender with 2 drops of chamomile and add to a diffuser or dilute with a carrier (like coconut or jojoba oil) and massage gently onto your chest before bed.

Thyme & Lemon Blend: Thyme is believed to support respiratory health, while lemon essential oil can help clear passages. Combine 2 drops of thyme with 2 drops of lemon in a diffuser, or dilute with a carrier and apply to the soles of your feet before bed.

Pine & Tea Tree Blend: Pine oil may help to reduce inflammation in the respiratory tract, while tea tree oil has antimicrobial properties which can help keep your airways clear. Mix 2 drops of each in a carrier oil and apply to your chest or neck before sleeping. It’s a great natural solution and snoring remedy.

Marjoram & Geranium Blend: Marjoram is often used for snoring because of its potential to clear the sinuses and relax the muscles, while geranium is thought to promote peaceful sleep. Use 2 drops of each in a diffuser or mix with a carrier oil and apply to the chest or back of the neck before bed.

Remember, it’s always important to patch test essential oils on a small area of skin before using them fully, as they can cause irritation in some people. It’s always best to consult with a healthcare provider if snoring is a persistent issue.

Please note: Pregnant women, children, and individuals with specific health conditions should consult with a health professional before using essential oils.

Top Precautions When Using Essential Oils for Snoring

When using essential oils for snoring, it’s important to bear in mind certain precautions to ensure safety and effectiveness. Here are some top precautions:

Avoid Ingestion: Essential oils are highly concentrated and should not be ingested unless under the direction of a health professional.

Dilute Before Use: Essential oils should always be diluted with a carrier oil before use. Direct application can cause skin irritation or sensitization.

Patch Test: Always conduct a patch test on a small area of your skin before applying an essential oil to larger areas.

Avoid Eye Contact: Essential oils can cause severe irritation if they come in contact with the eyes.

Use Quality Oils: Not all essential oils are created equal. Ensure you’re using high-quality, therapeutic-grade essential oils.

Children and Pregnant Women: Some essential oils may not be safe for children or pregnant women. Always check the safety information before use.

Medical Conditions: If you have a medical condition or are taking medication, consult with a healthcare professional before using essential oils.

Don’t Overuse: Essential oils are potent, and overuse can lead to adverse effects. Always use the recommended amount.

Storage: Store essential oils out of reach of children and pets, and away from light and heat to maintain their potency.

Allergies: Some people may be allergic to certain essential oils. If you experience any adverse reactions such as rashes, headaches, or respiratory problems, discontinue use immediately.

Consult Professional: If you’re new to essential oils, it’s best to consult with a certified aromatherapist who can guide you on safe and effective usage.


When you use the right essential oils such as oils discussed in this post, you will foster healthy sleep. Apply essential oils the right way to decrease snoring episodes. Every person has the right to a better night’s sleep. Quality sleep can only be realized when you prevent snoring as much as possible. Essential oil remedies are like natural sleeping supplements to boost your respiratory system and promote healthy sleep. The best essential oil will treat snoring or decrease snoring. If you snore occasionally, you might want to take preventive measures to make sure you don’t form a snoring habit. It is always wise to consult a medical professional before starting.

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  1. I’m all for natural ways to boost our health and overcome challenges such as snoring. I’ll recommend Marjoram to my partner- she’s kept me up with her snoring more nights than I can count.
    This read is a treasure-trove of information.
    Thank you.

  2. bit of a daft question, I snore very loud so I’m thinking of using essential olisina humidifier would you recommend a mixture of oils or try one at a time to see what works the best

  3. I use Eucalyptus,Lavender, Lemon and Peppermint all the time I love them I been told if I don’t use the Oils i snore like a freight train..I keep them with me at all times.Thank you.

  4. I really appreciate that you wrote this blog post and were willing to share with readers of it some of the essential oils that are good to use if you don’t want to snore. I am definitely more interested in trying out some of the essential oils that were mentioned in this article. I am most interested in trying out Marjoram Essential Oil, Lemon Essential Oil and Pine Essential Oil given some of the issues that I suffer from.

  5. I was unaware of the benefits that these have in regards to Snoring! I have some lavender oil, and I need to let my husband use it!

  6. I really love it that Lavender can help snoring…my husband is a snorer and putting some lavender EO on his pillow would be wonderful for me, too!

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