Using Essential Oils to Help Balance Your Life

Using Essential Oils to Help Balance Your Life

Last Updated on February 2, 2022 by Organic Aromas

With how busy our lives have become in today’s modern age, it’s no surprise many of us are suffering from a bit of imbalance. Schedules, professional lives, home lives, moods, and appetites are all feeling the consequences of living an unbalanced life, and aromatherapy with essential oils could be what you’ve been looking for to get things back on track. Using your nebulizing diffuser, essential oils can target every specific reason for your lack of balance, and bring you to a place that is filled with calm and contentment once again.

Essential Oils for Balanced Sleep

An estimated 30% of Americans report sleeping for only 6 or fewer hours per night according to a study performed by the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention. A lack of sleep inhibits hormone production, it causes brain fog and lack of cognitive ability, effects mood, and even suppresses the immune system – hardly creating the atmosphere needed for a balanced life. Lavender essential oil in a diffuser can help to soothe your body and relax your mind, inducing sleep when you need it most. This sleep support effect can help to bring balance not only to your life, but to your body’s energy stores as well.

Lavender isn’t the only essential oil to benefit sleep, and when mixed with chamomile essential oil you can ramp up the soothing and comforting aromatherapy benefits.

Using Essential Oils to Help Balance Your Life

Treating Yourself Kindly With Essential Oils

Sometimes the biggest thing you can do to bring balance to your life is to treat yourself kindly. All too often we place incredible pressures on ourselves and beat ourselves up for not making unreasonable expectations, and it does nothing to balance our emotions and our well-being. Showing yourself some self-care and self-love once in a while can help to lift your spirits in a really amazing way, and this is where essential oils come in.

Essential oils can be enjoyed in more ways than aromatherapy necklaces or oil diffusers. With a carrier oil, they can also be added to a bath or bath products to provide yourself with a luxurious and pampering experience. Energizing oils like bergamot or spearmint, or soothing oils like lavender and chamomile, help to bring you away from those negative thoughts and emotions as you show yourself a little appreciation.

Using Essential Oils In Balancing Digestion

Stress, lack of sleep, and poor nutrition leads to digestion disruption. When your digestion is disrupted, your entire day is thrown off-balance, and reacting to the disruption simply disrupts things even further. Let’s say you’re having a particularly stressful day packed full of activities, so you opt for some fast food to satisfy your hunger. After eating the fast food, you’re left feeling bloated, uncomfortable, and maybe even a little nauseous. While you’re feeling lousy, you may find it hard to fall back to sleep, to continue to eat balanced meals, and to feel good about taking care of the rest of your day.

Essential oils such as peppermint, spearmint, and wintergreen can work brilliantly to combat digestive upset, and can help to balance your life by balancing one of the most important systems in your body. These essential oils can help to alleviate a variety of different digestive issues, helping you to get back on track with the rest of your day.

Keeping our lives in balance is one way not only to keep us happy and feeling good, but to keep our bodies working to the best of their ability. With aromatherapy and essential oils, you can have your own secret weapon against the disadvantages of unbalance right there with you at all times.

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Using Essential Oils to Help Balance Your Life


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  1. I used to burn candles so my house would smell good. When I switched to essential oil diffusers not only did I save money, but my headaches went away, and I received so many compliments!

  2. Really useful to know which essential oils help with different areas of our lives, be it sleep or just needing to be kinder to ourselves.

  3. I never go anywhere without my lavender, my peppermint, my tea tree and my frankincense oils. They truly keep me tick rocking through each day!

  4. I keep a bottle of lavender EO in the fridge, ready for the oil burner if Ive had a stressful day, on my pillow if I’m having problems sleeping, but more importantly for burns….I use it a lot of that!

  5. I need to get into these oils more. I need to learn how to relax and sleep better.There are so many good uses for them. I agree with some of the other comments that they don’t like taking pills and medication for everything these days!

  6. I am just getting into the essential oils and love it! They have helped my family and I so much. I have been using a bit of peppermint when I have an upset tummy and it has worked better then any meds I have ever taken for it. I love the smells and the miraculous wonders they do!

  7. Thank you for the great article. I use essential oils daily and so do my daughters! I’m diffusing a bit of patchouli with a touch of lavender and a soupcon of clary sage as we speak. So relaxing

  8. I feel like the problems of the world can be solved with essential oils ;). I just had an event that got me upset a few minutes ago, so now I’m diffusing frankincense, clary sage, copaiba, and sandalwood. SO good! Feeling calmer, more balanced already :).

  9. My daughters looked into oils for health reasons for me when I was diagnosed with cancer. They don’t feel right with me taking morphine and all these meds for the pain. Plus they wanted something extra for healing purposes. I have my Himalayan Salt lamp going all the time.
    I have used spearmint, lavender and chamomile oils. I have also drunk peppermint, spearmint, and chamomile teas. Especially to settle my stomach after chemo. They do help! Oils are cheaper and better than all the chemical meds. Thank you for sharing!

  10. Almost this entire article applies to my life. I’m still learning but I think that essential oils would greatly benefit me, especially in the sleeping department.

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