How to Stop Itching From Mosquito Bites

How to Stop Itching From Mosquito Bites?

Last Updated on April 15, 2022 by Jennifer Stewart

Mosquitoes are as certain during the summer as long sunny days. Not only are mosquito bites annoying, but they could also leave scars when scratched. Mosquito bites must, indeed, be avoided as much as possible. But when you’ve already been bitten, how do you stop the itching? Read on to discover tricks to stop itchy mosquito bites.

Why Do Mosquitoes Love You?

You may have noticed that in a group, you are the only one (or a couple of people) who gets mosquito bites. It seems that mosquitoes have a favorite—and it’s you. Why is this? The unfortunate fact is that some people naturally attract mosquitoes. These are people with type O blood, people with a faster metabolism, athletes because they have increased lactic acid/body
temperature, pregnant women and larger people because they emit more carbon dioxide respectively. If you fall into any of these categories, then you are right, mosquitoes love you.

Why Mosquito Bites Itch

Female mosquitoes bite you to drink your blood because they need the nutrients to reproduce. Mosquitoes pierce the skin with their sharp mouth while injecting saliva that prevents the blood from clotting, and then draws out the blood.

The mosquito’s saliva is the main reason mosquito bites itch. The immune system recognizes the saliva as a foreign substance, and so tries to flush it out with histamine. Histamine causes the itchy inflammation around the bite.

If you’re someone who has been struggling with mosquito bites, you probably know that scratching them only makes things worse. Scratching only makes it itchier because it aggravates the inflammation. You also risk breaking the skin, which may take time to heal. You need to practice other ways to soothe the inflammation and relieve the itching.

Essential Oils For Mosquito Bites

Many essential oils contain anti-inflammatory effects, which are beneficial for mosquito bites. Keep in mind that using essential oils to relieve itchy mosquito bites involves topical application, so remember to dilute essential oils before using them to avoid further irritation of the skin.

1. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has anti-septic and anti-microbial properties that will help fight a possible infection. Tea tree oil also helps reduce the inflammation which reduces itchiness, as well as analgesic abilities which helps if you experience some type of pain from the bite.

2. Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint essential oil has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial abilities, which keep the effects of the mosquito bite at bay. This essential oil is also helpful in relieving the itch because of it leaves a cooling sensation when applied to the skin.

3. Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Being another mint oil, eucalyptus essential oil also has a cooling effect that helps relieve itchiness. Eucalyptus also has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial effects that will help the inflammation around the bite subside faster. In addition, eucalyptus essential oil acts as an insect repellent so mosquitoes will likely avoid you once you have applied this.

How to Stop Itching From Mosquito Bites?

4. Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender not only has effective calming effects, but also anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that helps relieve the swelling and alleviate the pain from the mosquito bite. This essential oil also works for relieving pain and itch from bug bites.

5. Roman Chamomile Essential Oil

Roman Chamomile is a great essential oil for reducing the itching and redness thanks to its soothing properties. It also promotes healing, so you can use this essential oil for bites that you have scratched.

6. Lemongrass Essential Oil

Lemongrass is another essential oil that has anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties that help curb the effects of mosquito bites. This essential oil helps fight microbes to lessen the risk of infection and reduce swelling from inflammation.

Topical Application Of Essential Oils

The best way to use essential oils to manage the itchiness of mosquito bites is through topical application. You can make your own ointment by combining your choice of essential oils and a carrier oil. If you go down this path, always remember to follow dilution rules.

Alternatively, you can purchase diluted essential oils so you don’t have to worry about diluting them correctly. Our roll-on essential oils are diluted at 5% and come in sleek roll-on bottles so you can apply them easily to your mosquito bites. Carry these roll-on bottles anywhere and apply to any mosquito or bug bite as soon as you spot them.

Stop Mosquitoes From Biting You

Essential oils are not only useful for relieving itchy mosquito bites. You can also use them to prevent mosquitoes from biting you. Essential oils like eucalyptus, lavender, lemongrass, tea tree, peppermint, and citronella repel mosquitoes and other bugs that may want to bite you. Apply any of these essential oils to parts of your legs before you go out—don’t wait until you get bitten before you take action.

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How to Stop Itching From Mosquito Bites?

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  1. I always wondered why mosquito bites itch so much, it was fascinating t0 learn it is the histamine. I also didn’t know that Tea Tree oil helps. I always have a bottle in my medicine cabinate. Ready for next summer now.

  2. I found the article very interesting with reading about why certain people attract mosquito bites more often and that it is histamine response that causes the itching.

  3. I never did know why some people are more apt to get bitten by mosquitoes.I will have to get a couple of these oils and put in a spray bottle for me to use,thanks.

  4. Mosquitoes are if not THE most despised creatures to me, then on the very top of the list for me.
    I am a no kill, but they drive me crazy, and I hate them – I admit.
    Thank you for this.
    Can you add onto the recommendations which ones are safe to have the scent and oil in your house or on your body if you have felines / cats?
    So important not to endanger any loved one. I believe Peppermint can be toxic for cats. Thanks!

  5. I really appreciate this we live where we get lots of mosquitos in the summer months and I hate using items that could be bad for my family so natural ingredients like this make me happy as a mom and wife

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