How to Prepare Homemade Disinfecting Cleaning Spray

How To Prepare Homemade Disinfecting Cleaning Spray

Last Updated on February 2, 2022 by Organic Aromas

Everyone wants their entire house to be clean and germ-free. But cleaning can be burdensome as disinfectants are toxic and can be harsh on the skin. That’s why a lot of moms out there are looking for alternatives to store-bought disinfectants.

If you also want a clean, germ-free home without using harmful chemicals, then it’s time to switch to homemade disinfecting cleaning spray. This disinfectant spray utilizes the strong antiviral, antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antiseptic properties of certain essential oils. It’s all-natural, non-toxic, fragrant, and, most importantly, very easy to make.

A Note On Essential Oils

Essential oils are extracted from plants. They have distinct scents that can be combined to create new, unique aromas. This is their most popular property, which is why a lot of people love aromatherapy. However, their scent is not the only thing essential oils have to offer. Essential oils also have a variety of properties that make them useful for various aspects of life. Certain essential oils have the ability to reduce anxiety, and others can help alleviate pain. You can get the benefits of essential oils through aromatherapy. Alternatively, you can create products such as a homemade disinfectant cleaning spray.

If you want to get the full potential of essential oils through aromatherapy, the nebulizing diffuser is the product for you. It does not use water or heat, so essential oils are dispersed without being diluted or chemically altered.

What You Will Need

  1. Essential Oils

There are numerous essential oils that have strong antiviral, antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antiseptic properties. However, for this disinfectant cleaning spray, we will use the following:

  • Tea tree essential oil
  • Lemon essential oil
  • Lavender essential oil
  • Eucalyptus essential oil

These 4 essential oils are known for their antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antiseptic properties. They are excellent, natural disinfectants. Plus, their fragrances combine well together.

If you prefer a different essential oil, you can go for a substitute as long as you make sure that it has disinfectant properties. For your essential oil disinfectant spray to be effective, make sure to buy only high-quality, pure essential oils.

  1. Alcohol

The key to creating an effective disinfectant spray is to use at least 70% alcohol. You have two options: isopropyl alcohol (or rubbing alcohol) and ethanol (or an alcoholic drink). Read on to learn how to determine if your alcohol of choice is suitable for your homemade disinfectant.

For isopropyl alcohol, make sure that it is at least 70% alcohol. If you can find a higher solution, like 91% or 99%, that is even better.

For ethanol, look for either vodka or grain alcohol. Look at the label and make sure it says 140 proof or higher. An example is Everclear, which has 192 proof—this would be a good choice for your disinfectant.

  1. Hydrogen Peroxide

This recipe requires a minimal amount (.5%) of hydrogen peroxide. This is necessary to make the disinfectant effective against viruses as well.

  1. A spray bottle

Choose a glass spray bottle to store this disinfectant spray. Essential oils are too potent for plastics and can erode them over time. For this recipe, a 16 oz bottle will do.

  1. Label

Always label your disinfectant sprays for safety purposes.

How To Prepare Homemade Disinfecting Cleaning Spray

How To Make Homemade Disinfectant Cleaning Spray

  1. Fill the glass spray bottle almost all the way with alcohol.
  2. Add ½ teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Add the essential oils:
  • 30 drops of tea tree essential oil
  • 15 drops of lemon essential oil
  • 15 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 15 drops of eucalyptus essential oil
  1. Close the lid tightly and shake the bottle well.
  2. Add your label.

Isn’t that easy?

How To Use Your Homemade Disinfectant Cleaning Spray

As mentioned earlier, this essential oil disinfecting spray can be used for various purposes. These include the following:

  • Disinfect surfaces
  • Control or prevent mildew and mold
  • Sanitize and deodorize fabrics

Why Use A Homemade Disinfectant Cleaning Spray?

This homemade disinfectant spray is made with strong essential oils. Here are the benefits of using essential oils as disinfectants:

  1. Disinfectant Straight From Mother Nature

Essential oils are all-natural, non-toxic disinfectants. You can disinfect your house safely with them.

  1. They Smell Great

Essential oils smell wonderful. You can even customize the scent of your disinfectant depending on your preferences. Just make sure to use essential oils with antiviral, antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antiseptic properties.

  1. Multipurpose

You can use this disinfectant cleaning spray on any surface at home, including carpets. You won’t need to buy different products for different materials.

  1. Environmentally Friendly Alternative

Aside from the lack of toxic chemicals in this DIY disinfectant spray, the process of making one involves little to no trash. You can even reuse the bottle when you create a new batch.

  1. Affordable Option

In the long term, creating your own disinfectant spray will save you more money than if you buy commercial disinfectants.

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How To Prepare Homemade Disinfecting Cleaning Spray

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  1. What a great article! So many useful tips! I really LOVE making my own disinfecting sprays with essential oils. They work so well, and they smell even better! I can’t wait to try this lavender/lemon one I think I’ll call it Purple Sprite or something…i don’t know, but I’ll think of something! Thx for the tips!! xoxoJJ

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