Fill the Air With Romance with a DIY Blend

Fill The Air With Romance With A DIY Blend

Last Updated on February 2, 2022 by Organic Aromas

The month of love is around the corner, and what better way to celebrate it than to spend time with the most special person in your life. Make date night more special by filling the air with romance.

The Importance of Smell and Its Relation to Human Emotions

Humans rely on our senses to help us get through our day to day lives. Perhaps one of the first that comes to mind is the sense of smell. It is among the strongest. It lets us experience things on another level.

But, did you know that it is also highly connected to a person’s memory and emotion? Yes, that is right. Your sense of smell can affect your mood and trigger memory. Additionally, it has been proven that the emotional effects of fragrances affect a person’s perception of someone else. 

So, how does it work? The answer lies on the part of the brain known as the hippocampus. It is a crucial region that is a part of the limbic system. It is connected to the processing of feelings and how a person reacts to certain stimuli. Since the sense of smell relates to the hippocampus, scents have a connection to emotions.

A Romantic Atmosphere for an Unforgettable Date

With this idea, it is safe to say that one can use scent to evoke positive feelings, including romance. That is why more people nowadays use essential oils to set the mood. You may have experienced it when you visited a spa or a shop and noticed the welcoming ambiance created from an essential oil diffusers

For centuries, humans have explored the use of essential oils for health purposes. Through the years, these oils have also become known for their pleasant smell. The use of essential oil is an effective way of unlocking the desired moods. You can take advantage of this knowledge as you welcome the season of love. Your simple dinner date at home can turn into a romantic dining experience. You can also create your own essential oil blend. Not only will it help maintain a romantic atmosphere, but it will also be a scent that your loved one will associate with you.

A DIY Project for the Perfect Blend

A DIY project adds that personal touch. That is also applicable when it comes to essential oil diffuser blends. Try making a blend that will put the emotions that you have into scents.

First, you will need to decide on the essential oils that you will add to the blend. If you are unsure of how to choose, you can choose from a collection that includes various single and organic pure essential oils and blends and find a scent you like. With all the available essential oils, you can mix and match to create the perfect blend. You may also try a sampler pack, which is best for beginners. 

Second, you will need to add the proper amount of each essential oil to the container you want to use. Make sure you handle the oils with care. You will not need a lot. One to three drops of each can go a long way.

Third, try the blend first and see if it will suit the mood you wish to set. To make sure that you do not exceed the drops that are suitable for the use of your diffuser, you can start by using only small amounts. Then, you can slowly adjust the blend as you see fit.

Fill The Air With Romance With A DIY Blend

Common Essential Oils for Romance

There are many options available for your blend. Make sure you understand the taste or preferences of your loved one. Do they enjoy floral scents? Or do they prefer citrus? You would not want to put in the time and effort on a blend that they do not find pleasant.

If you are unsure as to what type of essential oils to use, here are the top essential oils that are commonly associated with romance to help you get started.


  • Patchouli
  • Clary Sage
  • Geranium
  • Orange
  • Cedarwood
  • Cinnamon Bark
  • Cardamom
  • Lavender
  • Rose
  • Jasmine
  • Ylang Ylang
  • Sandalwood

Choosing the Right One

When choosing essential oils, you have to make sure they are of the finest quality to get the effect that you desire. Spicing up a date night does not have to be expensive. With the help of a trusty diffuser and your perfect blend, you can create a pleasant experience for your loved one. Whether it is to rekindle your romantic connection or to make them feel special, essential oils can add a new element in your love story.

However, if you find it hard to find time to create your own blend, you can always go for a trusted and proven essential oil diffuser blends. Choose the scent that you think will best fit the occasion and let your diffuser do the work for you.  

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Fill The Air With Romance With A DIY Blend


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  1. Oh wow! Thank you SO much for this!!! Today is actually my husband’s and i’s 12 YEAR anniversary!! I think I will be mixing up some of these incredible #essentialoil blends! Thank you so much for this #OrganicAromas! There is nothing quite like setting the mood with scent!!! Thx again! Here’s to another amazing 12 years!!! xoxoJJ

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