Essential Oils for the Bath and Shower

Essential Oils for the Bath and Shower

Last Updated on February 2, 2022 by Organic Aromas

Aromatherapy is more than essential oil diffusers and aromatherapy necklaces. While using a diffuser is an excellent way to reap the rewards of essential oils, it’s not the only way. Using essential oils for the bath and shower can be quite luxurious and just as beneficial whether you are looking to energize yourself before work or wind down at the end of a stress filled day. While you’re in the bath or shower, the steam from the water will envelop your senses with the power of your chosen oils.

How to Use Essential Oils in the Bath Or Shower

Using essential oils in the bath or shower is very simple, and if you’re used to using your essential oils in a diffuser, there is not much of a learning curve to worry about. For the shower, the best way to use essential oils is to have a carrier ready, and to keep your carrier exposed to water just enough to release the scent through steam, but not so much that the oils are quickly washed away. The best carriers for the shower are often something simple you have lying around in your bathroom, such as a shower puff, a wash cloth, or a cotton pad. For the best results, you should drop around 10 to 12 drops of your chosen oil or oils onto the carrier, and place it just out of the water’s direct reach.

Adding Essential Oils to Your Bath

Adding essential oils to the bath is simple and there are a few different options depending on the type of bath you want to take. The 3 top methods for using essential oils in the bath are:

  1. Mixed with a Carrier Oil

    You don’t have to take any special sort of bath in order to make use of your essential oils. A single oil, or a favorite oil blend, may be added to your bath premixed with your favorite carrier oil in a ratio of 1-2 drops of essential oil to every 1 tablespoon of carrier oil. Simply prepare the mixture while drawing your bath and drop it into the bath a few minutes before you get in.

  1. Bubble Bath

    You can also add 1-2 drops of essential oil to every tablespoon of natural scent-free shower gel to create your own luxurious aromatherapy bubble bath. The gel acts as a protective carrier oil, and is sometimes preferred as it does not leave your bathtub feeling slippery or oily after your bath has drained.

  1. Bath Salt

    You can make our own aromatherapy bath salts using essential oils, jojoba oil, and around 1 to 2 ounces of bath salt. Simply combine 5 drops of essential oils to 2 teaspoons of jojoba oil, and mix the combination into 1 to 2 ounces of bath salt.

Essential Oils for the Bath and Shower

Single Essential Oils Versus Blends For The Bath And Shower

Using essential oils in the bath and shower is a great opportunity to create your own essential oil blends. While using single oils is an excellent way to get specific results that your chosen oil can provide, it’s important to remember that blends don’t take away from these effects, they simply enhance them. Typically, one will approach creating these blends with a specific theme in mind, and this will allow them to focus their benefits on a specific use.

For an energizing blend, simply combine eucalyptus, peppermint, and rosemary for a shower that really gets you ready for work first thing in the morning. If you are looking from more of a relaxing blend, combine lavender, chamomile, ylang-ylang, and sandalwood to help you melt the stress away. If you have a cold or flu bug, combining peppermint, tea tree, spearmint, and eucalyptus can help you boost your immune system and decongest your sinuses.

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Essential Oils for the Bath and Shower


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  1. This is exactly what I need. The chamomile, ylang-ylang, and lavender sandalwood blend is just exactly what I need for relaxation. I get so tense all the time…stress, stress, stress! What a lovely and aromatic way to relax!

  2. first i did not know yu could use them the bath i would use it more if new this since i have most of the allergies and then the differnt allergies

  3. Thanks for all of this useful information. Now that I got some of my house plants out of the bathtub, I’ve been dying to take a nice long soak, I’m adding in some essential oils for sure.

  4. I need to try the bath salts! I usually add a couple of drops of oil to my bath products and conditioner as they leave a great scent in the hair and skin for quite awhile after bathing.

  5. Hmm didn’t know I couldn’t add them right to the water. (Hadn’t tried yet either thank goodness). How would I use them in the shower?

  6. These are such amazing ways to use essential oils! I wouldn’t have guessed you could use essential oils like this! It’s a must try for sure!

  7. Excellent article. lots of ways to use oils in the bath and shower, Makes learning so much fun as the way it is presented is easy to understand.

  8. This is really helpful! I was wondering about safely using essential oils in the bathtub and I’m glad I looked on here before just adding some to the water 🙂

  9. I love adding essential oil to my bathwater!! I like to mix eucalyptus with a bit of lavender and orange…smells soooooo nice!!

  10. My magic combo is lavender, eucalyptus, and rosemary (in order of greatest quantity to least) to an unscented shower gel base for nighttime bathing.

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