Best Essential Oils to Use in Your Laundry

Best Essential Oils to Use in Your Laundry

Last Updated on March 18, 2024 by Pegura Chad

Recent studies have revealed that conventional laundry products cause build up of toxic elements that can lead to skin irritation or allergy. Synthetic fragrances are made using a cocktail of toxic elements. Choosing better alternatives for your laundry is the way to go. How can essential oils assist you with laundry? There are many ways and this article explores this topic.

Why Use Oils For Laundry

Essential oils can do many things for your laundry. To begin with, they can help remove tough stains. They can soften fabric and leave a pleasant scent in your clothes. In other words, oils can transform your laundry from start to end. There are many oils to choose from depending on your personal scent needs. Pine, rosemary, cinnamon, sage, lavender and others are great for laundry. The bottomline is that essential oils are safe and do not harm the environment. They are also highly effective to give you brilliant results.

Essential Oil Liquid Laundry Detergent

Making your own liquid laundry detergent using oils is simple. You need a couple of ingredients including one tablespoon glycerin, three cups liquid castile soap, quarter cup vinegar and an essential oil of your choice. Lavender or lemon oils work very well to remove stains from clothes while killing microbes.

Thirty to forty drops of essential oil combined with a cup of water are good for this recipe. In a plastic bottle, combine all the above ingredients and shake well. For a light load, add a quarter cup of liquid soap to the wash. Half a cup is ideal for a large load with dirty clothes. Making your very own detergent using essential oils saves you money as well.

Essential Oil Fabric Softener

Softening your fabrics naturally can be done with many essential oils. The best ones are lemongrass, orange, eucalyptus and lavender. To make your own softener, use six cups of vinegar, a cup of water and 20 drops of your preferred essential oil. Combine all the ingredients in a plastic bottle. To the rinse cycle of every load, add one cup of softner and enjoy the wonderful results.

Essential Oils Dryer Use

For every drying cycle, you can use these oils to leave clothes fresh and deodorized as required. You have to set your dryer at a low temperature. Just add a few drops of your chosen oil. This is a pretty simple way to achieve clean fresh-smelling clothes. For clothes that are in your closet or drawer, using essential oil cotton balls works well. Make sure to change the cotton balls to fresh ones after some time.

Best Essential Oils to Use in Your Laundry

How Different Essential Oils Help Laundry


For a beautiful scent that calms your nerves, this is a preferred oil for laundry. It comes with a light aroma that is not overwhelming. If you are looking to deodorize with an excellent scent, lavender works great.

Tea Tree

To remove mildew and kill fungus, tea tree is a great oil for laundry. It is excellent for sanitizing clothes naturally to keep ailments at bay.


As mentioned earlier, this is one of the best fabric softeners to use. It allows fabric to seat better while maintaining the condition of fabric.


If you want your clothes to brighten up by removing all the dirt, this oil works. The oil has the ability to dissolve older stains to retain the fabric color. It also sanitizes and softens your laundry making it a versatile oil.


To remove bad stubborn stains, lemon oil does not let you down. It cuts grease and freshens your clothes to make them as bright as can be. The best way to use this oil and others for stains is to rub directly on to the problem areas. You will see the difference after washing for a couple of minutes.

Cleaning Your Washing Machine

Over time, your washing machine may develop buildup where residue or grime may form because of detergents. This often slows down your machine making it ineffective. Therefore, it is pivotal to clean your machine as needed. The good news is that an essential oil like tea tree can help cut through the residue and remove grime.

Closing Thoughts

Knowing what essential oils can do for your laundry is the key to using them effectively. Pine oil is a natural deodorizer while thyme oil fights germs. Cinnamon has antiseptic and antibacterial properties while lemon is antiviral. When you are looking to scent your laundry, choose something that appeals to you. With so many options, you cannot go wrong with this. These oils are a worthy alternative to synthetic products. Just make sure to buy pure quality oils from trusted sellers.

Are these oils safe for fabric? When used properly in the right amounts, these potent oils are very safe. Always look at DIY recipes or follow the guides from the manufacturer to uphold safety. In most cases, the oils are diluted with water to leave your fabrics protected.

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Best Essential Oils to Use in Your Laundry

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  1. Essential oils are so much better for you and the earth than synthetic chemical fragrances and these are some great choices to start with 😀

  2. There couldn’t be anything nicer than a great scented aroma from clean clothing. Except there is, from natural and clean ingredients is so much better! Great ideas with EO in the laundry room, especially the calming and relaxing effect of lavender.

  3. I am glad to know that essential oils can be used for laundry. I’ve been looking for an alternative for a softener. Can’t wait to creat one with my favorite essential oils. Thank you Organic Aromas for this educational article.

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