Are Scented Candles Harmful to my Health?

Are Scented Candles Harmful to my Health?

Last Updated on February 2, 2022 by Organic Aromas

We all love our homes to smell good. There is nothing better than coming home from a long day and walking into a great smelling home. It feels inviting and triggers the positive sense memories of family, warmth, and comfort. One of the most popular ways to scent our homes is with scented candles. However, scented candles may not be the best option for scenting our homes and may actually be harmful to our health.

Scented Candles and Chemicals

No matter how natural they may smell, most scented candles actually use a combination of chemicals to create their scents. They also contain chemical dyes and many are made from petroleum-based waxes. All of these candle ingredients are harmful when they are inert, but become especially dangerous when released in the air through heat. These toxic chemicals when airborne can cause a myriad of health problems and contribute to environmental damage.

Scented Candles and Carcinogens

The biggest problems with scented candles are when they burn they release all kind of toxins into the air. Some emit benzene and toluene which are carcinogenic and can cause damage to the brain, lungs, and nervous system. Cases of extreme exposure, can even cause development difficulties and harm mental health. The carcinogens released from scented candles may also contribute to the development of cancer. The scents in the candles can also trigger pre-existing health conditions like allergies, asthma, and migraines. So they are really best to be avoided.

Scented Candles are a Fire Hazard

Beyond the potential health risks of using scented candles in your home, scented candles are also a major fire risk. Each year there are nearly 10,000 house fires in the United States alone started by scented candles. Of those fires, nearly a hundred people lose their lives. Every day nearly 25 fires caused by scented candles are reported. Scented candles are an extremely dangerous fire hazard to keep around your house and even if you are diligent can cause severe damage so they are best avoided.

Are scented candles harmful for my health info-graphic

A Better Alternative

Rather than taking on the health and fire risks of scented candles, you should find a better alternative to scenting your home. The very best option is to use an aromatherapy diffuser. Aromatherapy diffusers do not present any kind of fire risk and the essential oils diffused are not harmful to your health and can actually provide a range of great health benefits. Also since the oils are natural, they also last longer, leaving your home smelling great for days after diffusion. Plus, aromatherapy diffusers are more attractive than scented candles and can provide a beautiful conversation piece and add to the decor of any room.

How to Get Started with Aromatherapy Diffusers

Now that you’ve made the smart choice to ditch the dangerous scented candles and use an aromatherapy diffuser instead. Remember, not all aromatherapy diffusers are the same. Some diffusers use heat to distribute the essential oils into the air. The heat can change the chemical properties of the oils which can also spread carcinogens in your home. Instead, you want to make sure you purchase a nebulizing diffuser. Nebulizing diffusers use air to create a fine mist of pure unadulterated oil, creating a luxurious home scent, as well as, providing a myriad of health benefits. So when making the switch be sure to purchase a nebulizing diffuser.

Choose the Right Essential Oils

Another important thing to keep in mind when switching from scented candles to aromatherapy diffusion for scenting your home is the type of oil you buy is important. Many oils on the market are not actually essential oils, but instead are perfume oils that contain the same chemical mixtures that you find in scented candles. So when purchasing an essential oil, make sure it is 100% pure and extracted directly from the herb, bark, or flower. All of our oils at Organic Aromas are 100% natural essential oils and contain no chemicals or filler oils. They are the perfect oil to diffuse in your home.

Instead of risking your health and home to create a wonderful home fragrance with scented candles, switch to a nebulizing aromatherapy diffuser. They will provide a better, longer lasting home fragrance without the health risks. Plus, you will get all the healing properties from relaxation to detoxification to pain relief. So skip the candle aisle and check out our selection of diffusers and essential oils to help make your home smell amazing!

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  1. I love scented candles ,but last night my son came to stay and said that scented candles can cause cancer I was shocked at what he told me so am now seriously thinking of changing to something safer like essential oils .very worrying to hear about the candles and what they can cause.

  2. At one time I knew that candles in general were considered harmful for this reason but I was with the understanding that this had been resolved. Still I love my woodwork candles but enjoy the diffusers for their health benefits

  3. I am so obsessed with bath and body candles.. Always have one burning in every room of my home. I just bought natural ingredients to make my own though.

  4. Very new to EO, and after a few weeks of research, I decided that the best diffuser was a nebulizer, and I ordered the Raindrop from Organic Aromas. I gave it a 5-star rating on Amazon. I absolutely love it! Being new to EO, I really value these blogs from a company that is building trust with me because I received such a high-quality, beautiful diffuser and also a heavenly sample of an oil blend called “Morning Bloom” from you. It’s so hard to know which companies are being truthful about the quality of their oils and which are not! I’ve done mind-numbing research on this topic, but there is so little regulation in the EO industry that it’s really hit or miss. Glad I landed on your site!

  5. I am a convert. I used to burn candles all the time but worried about leaving them burning. I hadn’t even thought of the other hazards in this article. When I tried a diffuser, I loved it, but for so much more than the safety. I now use mine all the time and have bought them for friends and family as well as one for work!

  6. I switched to a nebulizing diffuser about two ears ago. My guests are amazed that such a little unit can smell the whole house. I love the benefits without the fear of a fire.

  7. The scents in the candles can also trigger pre-existing health conditions like allergies, asthma, and migraines.
    When I read this I realized where some of my migraines came from.

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