5 Ways to Use Wintergreen Essential Oil

5 Ways to use Wintergreen Essential Oil

Last Updated on February 2, 2022 by Organic Aromas

Wintergreen essential oil is derived from the leaves of the Gaultheria Procumbens evergreen plant using a steam distillation method. First the leaves are steeped in a bit of warm water, releasing all of the beneficial enzymes locked within the leaf, and then the enzymes are isolated and concentrated to create the essential oil using a steam distillation process. So, why would a person want to concentrate these oils? The simple answer is because they pack a whole lot of punch in each small bottle of oil.

Uses for Wintergreen Essential Oil

Wintergreen essential oil can be just as powerful in relieving cold and flu symptoms as any over the counter cold medication. Inside of wintergreen essential oil is an aspirin-like chemical that helps to relieve pain while the fresh cool scent works as a very effective decongestant. The decongestant properties help to break up thick mucus caused by infection, allowing you to expel the mucus and the infection in an easier and more comfortable way. For best results, diffusing the wintergreen essential oil in a nebulizing diffuser

1. Cold and Flu Relief

Wintergreen essential oil can be just as powerful in relieving cold and flu symptoms as any over the counter cold medication. Inside of wintergreen essential oil is an aspirin-like chemical that helps to relieve pain while the fresh cool scent works as a very effective decongestant. The decongestant properties help to break up thick mucus caused by infection, allowing you to expel the mucus and the infection in an easier and more comfortable way. For best results, diffusing the wintergreen essential oil in a nebulizing diffuser helps it to be inhaled and sent to the systems of the  body that need it most.

2. Pain Relief

Wintergreen essential oil is also a highly effective topical pain reliever for sore muscles and joints. When combined with a carrier oil, the essential oil reduces swelling and inflammation, which in turn helps to relieve pain. If you’ve had a great workout that you’re paying for the next day, diffusing wintergreen essential oil or applying it topically mixed with a carrier oil can get you back up and working again.

3. As a Home Cleanser

Natural home cleansers give families a natural way to keep their homes safe and clean without all of the unnecessary chemicals. Wintergreen essential oil is a great cleanser option, with both antibacterial and antiviral properties, that can disinfect just about any surface. The essential oil can even be used to run through your dishwasher or washing machine to eliminate odors and get rid of any residual bacteria hiding where you can’t see

5 Ways to use Wintergreen Essential Oil

4. Digestion and Nausea Relief

Wintergreen essential oil, while energizing, is also naturally soothing. When you’re experiencing bouts of nausea, bloating, or diarrhea, diffusing the oil in the room can help to alleviate the stomach spasms associated with such conditions, providing you with much needed relief. If you’re feeling sick to your stomach, lying down in a room with your favorite diffuser and wintergreen essential oil can help to alleviate these symptoms and allow much needed rest.

5. Skin and Hair

Wintergreen essential oil can also work wonders on improving the health of your skin and hair. Blemishes, inflammation, and bacteria are no match for wintergreen essential oil when added along with carrier oil to facial cleansers or moisturizers. For hair, wintergreen essential oil helps to balance the scalp while removing greasiness and bacteria, but leaving in its wake a fresh and invigorating scent.

Using Wintergreen Essential Oils with Other Oils

Wintergreen essential oil doesn’t need to be diffused or used on its own, and it pairs well with a plethora of other oils to reap the benefits of two or more oils at the same time. Some of the best pairings for wintergreen essential oils include:


  • Bergamot
  • Lavender
  • Lemongrass
  • Sweet Basil
  • Peppermint
  • Cypress
  • Rose Geranium
  • Peppermint
  • Spearmint

While these are just some of the oils that pair particularly well with wintergreen, they are some of the most popular for the dual benefits one can receive when using them at the same time.

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5 Ways to use Wintergreen Essential Oil

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  1. I’m glad to wintergreen has so many uses. I’ll make up some flu bombs to use in the tub for muy grandkids for this winter, but they’ll be highly diluted because of their young age.

  2. I’ve always loved diffusing Wintergreen but didn’t realize all the other great uses for it and how beneficial it really is to our health! I hadn’t thought about using essential oils in my dishwasher before, I will definitely try it. Thank you for all the useful information!

  3. My grandmother used to have Wintergreen ointment that was rubbed onto aching joints. I’d completely forgotten about it but it’s another reminder that the old remedies are still sometimes the best

  4. I really like the antibacterial and antiviral properties! I have got to try using it in my dishwasher. What concentration would you use? What would you put it in, h2o?

  5. We normally use wintergreen oil when body aches especially the joints and the back. I am glad I got to know more information about it here. Thanks!

  6. I loved its scent but didn’t know it was also antibacterial and antiviral! I’d rather my house smelled of wintergreen than chemicals

  7. Like a fine wine and cheese pairing, thank you for including the 9 essential oils that pair best with Wintergreen essential oil. Because of this article, I am now excited to experiment with wintergreen and bergamot.

  8. I’m just starting to use essential oil’s and have not tried the Wintergreen yet but I know I love it. I remember eating wintergreen gum when I was younger. I did not know it had so many uses around the house

  9. I love the idea of diffusing wintergreen to ease congestion. I also appreciate the list of oils that blend well with wintergreen. I’m not good at pairing oils.

  10. Your Wintergreen essential oil article was really informative. I have been using essential oils for many years, always with great results, but I have never used Wintergreen. It’s good to have knowledge of all it’s healing benefits, digestive, pain relief, disinfectant (dishwasher) etc… I was surprised to read stomach discomfort can be soothed from the aroma alone. I will definitely use it in the future. I hope to win the Raindrop diffuser, I have been wanting one of these for a very long time.

  11. I have just started using Wintergreen and I am very impressed with its qualities. I have experienced its ability as an decongestant. This is on my list for regular use.

  12. Make sure you are using real wintergreen EO:

    ‘Wintergreen (Gaultheria fragrantissima) – For a long time, wintergreen oil was really synthetic salycilate.’ – Kurt Schnaubelt

  13. I absolutely love using natural remedies. I am a novice of essential oils, ,but I do have a few (eg, vanilla) that I use in my home. I like the article cuz it helps me to learn more. Thanks!

  14. Have been using oils for a little while now but haven’t tried wintergreen yet. Will be adding it to my collection for pain relief!.

  15. This was an interesting read thank you! I would try all those oils I love the scent they give. And wintergreen is a favorite mint in my garden which I would pair with my beloved Lavender! This could help me so much in many areas.

  16. I love that this can be used in so many different beneficial ways. My husband and I sure could have used this over the past few weeks with all the sinus and allergies. Hope we win this and could try it out.

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