5 Essential Oils for Sore and Aching Feet

5 Essential Oils for Sore and Aching Feet

Last Updated on February 2, 2022 by Organic Aromas

After a long day on your feet, it can be tough to relax. Swollen, sore, and achy feet can be a real pain, but luckily there is something you can do. Essential oils can help you soothe your sore feet and get you back up and moving quickly. Here are some of the best oils for sore feet and some different ways to help relieve the pain and pressure you are experiencing.

How to Make a Soothing Essential Oil Foot Bath

One of the best methods to reduce the swelling and pain of sore feet is with a foot bath. To make a foot bath, take a container large enough to place your feet in and fill it with warm water. Add some soothing Epsom salts and 10-12 drops of your favorite healing essential oil. Soak your feet for 20-30 minutes and relax. You will soon see a reduction in swelling and feel relief.  

Essential Oils for Topical Relief

Another effective way to deliver the healing benefits of essential oils to your painful feet is through a topical application. Mix 3-4 drops of your favorite healing oil with a tablespoon of carrier oil and massage into your feet. If you are on your feet all day, this is a great thing to do in the morning to keep your feet from swelling throughout the day. You can also reapply this mixture as often as you’d like to help reduce the pain.

Essential Oil Sugar Scrub

Another great way to get relief from sore and achy feet is with an essential oil foot sugar scrub. Mix ½ cup of raw sugar with a ½ cup of carrier oil and 10 drops of your favorite essential oil. Scrub your feet with this mixture for 5-10 minutes then rinse off. An essential oil sugar scrub can help stimulate blood flow which reduces swelling but can also relieve the pain of dry cracked skin, blisters, callouses, and corns. All of which can cause you a lot of pain.

The Five Best Essential Oils to Try for Achy Feet

Here is a list of the best oils to relieve foot pain. You can use them individually or in a mixture depending on the benefits you are looking to receive:

Peppermint Essential Oil: Peppermint essential oil helps relieve pain in two ways. First it provides a calming cooling sensation that can help get quick relief. Secondly it has anti-inflammatory properties so when applied topically can reduce the pain from swelling. It also has antimicrobial properties so it is great at relieving pain from athlete’s foot and can help keep your feet smelling fresh.

Eucalyptus Essential Oil: Eucalyptus essential oil also has both cooling and anti-inflammatory properties which can relieve the pain of tired feet Eucalyptus also relieves stress and tension and is an analgesic so it can help numb the area. It also works to combat athlete’s foot and leave your feet smelling fresh.

Rosemary Essential Oil: Rosemary essential oil is great for not only muscle pain but joint pain as well. It can help improve circulation and reduce the pain associated with arthritis. It is especially powerful when combined with the cooling power of peppermint or eucalyptus essential oils.

Rose Geranium Essential Oil: Rose geranium is a great for treating any kind of skin ailments. So if your feet are calloused, sore, or have open wounds, it is great for treating these issues and reducing pain. It also helps promote the development of new cells so it can work to keep your feet feeling soft and youthful.

Lavender essential oil: Lavender essential oil is the most calming essential oil. It helps relieve muscle and joint pain; it also helps heal various skin conditions. It is both an analgesic and anti-inflammatory so it has powerful pain relieving properties. Lavender also has antidepressant properties so it can also help you relax so you can begin the healing process.

 5 Essential Oils for Sore and Aching Feet

With these essential oils and the variety of great applications, you will no longer have to live with sore, achy feet. Remember though, that not all essential oils are the same. When you are using essential oils for therapeutic purposes like finding relief from painful feet, it is crucial you use 100% pure essential oils. Some oils are simply perfume oils and do not deliver the powerful healing qualities of the natural plants. So make sure when putting together your treatment, you buy real essential oils like those found at Organic Aromas. We have all the essential oils you need for fast relief of foot pain, so you don’t have to suffer any longer. Check out our selection today!

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  1. Thank you for the information. I learn something new everyday day about peppermint oil. Now rose geranium on callused feet. Thank you again!

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