4 Incredible Benefits Clary Sage Essential Oil

4 Incredible Benefits of Clary Sage Essential Oil

Last Updated on February 2, 2022 by Organic Aromas

You might be well acquainted with the herb known as sage, but clary sage is different. It is a close cousin of regular sage, but has different components that make up its molecular structure. Regular sage goes by the official name of salvia officinails, while the official name for clary sage is salvia sclarea. Clary sage has large, pretty, lavender-coloured leaves that are steam distilled to make clary sage essential oil.


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  1. Be careful when applying this oil to your face. I broke out in a 4 day episode of hives after applying to my chin to help with hormonal acne. After researching, found it has Phenols in it which are highly toxic. So bummed, I really really wanted to love this oil. If you’re not sensitive I don’t think you’ll have any issues.

  2. Looking for this product to tell me if it will help my husband who has high blood pressure. Will it help,tp being it down and help him too sleep? I think I will try it for my chronic Lyme disease too? Any and all answers would be appreciated?

  3. I’ve been using clary sage for yrs. for colon pain, which was not even listed, but I heard about from a dr. online. If it helps with stress, as this says, I need to buy stock in the company and pour this all over me daily.

  4. Very informative post, thank you. I wasn’t aware of all the benefits of clary sage and it had never occurred to me their could be benefits from inhaling essential oils I thought they only had topical uses.

  5. This is very useful information considering the fact I have trouble sleeping. I cant wait till my till my The Discovery Collection and
    Super Explorer Essential Oil Diffuser Kit gets delivered which I ordered today im new to this essential oil thing and did a lot of research before buying like I do with all products I buy and this one is by far the best rated diffuser out of them all also it would be a great idea if orgánica aroma makes a blend to keep roaches away it one of the main reasons I’m experimenting with the essential oil I’ve heard peppermint is a good insect repellent hopefully it can help roaches swarming in my apartment especially with the spring just coming in.

  6. I have class save in my soap bar I use. It is nice to the skin and has a relaxing smell. I would recommend to anyone that want a to benefit your skin by adding a few drops to your lotion after a bath or shower!

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