Microtubes Close Up

Taking the Mystery out of Aromatherapy

Last Updated on February 2, 2022 by Organic Aromas

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We recently discovered that several new customers may have mistakenly believed their brand new diffuser was broken! While anything is possible, a newly manufactured Organic Aromas essential oil diffuser has been tested and certified by our in-house engineers!

These robust little units are made of extremely high quality materials and by expert hands! They are completely guaranteed for ONE YEAR!

It is best to know just how the diffuser works!                                                                       

In the bottom of the glass reservoir are two glass micro-tubes. One is for pressurized air and the other is for essential oil.  

As the diffuser motor pushes pressurized air up one of the micro-tube it is quickly forced through a tiny opening. The impact of this motion sprays the essential oil coming from the alternate micro-tube into a ring-shape onto the wall of the glass reservoir.

This energy and impact causes the essential oil to be ionized/nebulized into microscopic particles which escape through the top of the glass cap and into the air.micro tubes diagram                                                                               

NOTE: Not all essential oils will create a visible mist!

The diffuser is powerful and diffuses only pure essential oil. Therefore, it is very important to control how much oil is used. For this, we have installed a “volume” switch that can be adjusted to achieve the perfect, desired speed of diffusing.

Due to the fact our diffusers are very strong we have a programmed a “Usage Cycle” into the unit.

The Usage Cycle means that each time the device is turned on it will operate for 2 minutes ON and then switch OFF for 1 minute. It will cycle this way, taking turns diffusing and then pausing.

It will do this for 120 minutes. After this two hour period of ON (for 2 minutes) and OFF (for one minute), the unit will automatically shut off completely!

NOTE: The LED lighting will remain on!


micro tubes on exquisite

This could be confusing to some who might think “if the LED light is on but the motor is not running, the diffuser must be broken!?” This is absolutely false.

The resilient motor has been programmed to shut off after working for 2 hours… but the LED light will remain on! This is NORMAL behavior.

If the motor has stopped then you need to turn the switch to the off position and back on again and the diffuser will start a new Usage Cycle.

The LED light will only shut off when the power switch is completely turned to the OFF position.

We hope this helps clear up any misunderstandings. Our Organic Aromas diffusers are one-of-a-kind and are built both for performance and to last!




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