Top DIY Essential Oil Recipes For Hot Flashes

Top DIY Essential Oil Recipes For Hot Flashes

Last Updated on February 2, 2022 by Organic Aromas

Medical research findings reveal that over 75% of all menopausal women get hot flashes. This annoying symptom is often accompanied by night sweats. Other health problems can cause hot flashes and this challenge causes great discomfort.

Instead of running to synthetic solutions, why not consider a more natural method to bring relief. Essential oils can help you manage hot flashes. These oils don’t have bad side effects when used properly – this is a healthier approach and the following information sheds more light.

Best Essential Oils For Managing Hot Flashes

Geranium Oil

The most notable cause of hot flashes is hormonal imbalance. Geranium oil regulates hormones while soothing and calming your senses. If you have symptoms of PMS, this oil can really support you to provide needed relief. Geranium oil also improves mood, reduces anxiety while managing feelings of anger and irritation. This natural yet powerful hormone regulator is effective and easy to use.

Clary Sage Oil

This is another brilliant oil that regulates hormones. It tackles symptoms of PMS like reducing menstrual cramps and also easing hot flashes and night sweats. This oil has been found to reduce frequency of hot flashes to ease discomfort. If you have insomnia and anxiety, clary sage is effective as well. Hot flashes can leave you depressed owing to the hormonal issues – this oil works holistically to provide relief.

Lavender Oil

Also loved for balancing hormones, there is nothing lavender essential oil cannot do. If you have perineal discomfort, this oil is effective as well. It relaxes your mind and resolves insomnia. When dealing with hot flashes and night sweats, you want all the quality sleep you can find and lavender eases your suffering. Diffusing the oil before sleeping will support sleep and make this problem more bearable.

Cypress Oil

This is a cooling oil that has been seen to help ease hot flashes. It also reduces fluid retention while balancing your emotions and hormones. It also manages many other symptoms of menopause and PMS.

Peppermint Oil

Many women who have suffered hot flashes swear by this oil. Peppermint is a well known cooling oil that limits hot flashes and night sweats. It can also ease mental fatigue and improve concentration.

Top DIY Essential Oil Recipes For Hot Flashes

Sage Oil

Just like its sister oil clary sage, sage oil is also a potent remedy for reducing hot flashes. It works by reducing boh frequency and intensity of night sweats. The oil balances hormones and prevents the creation of excess heat in the body.

Lime Oil

This oil, just like lemon oil, refreshes your emotions to boost mood and lift your spirit. When dealing with hot flashes, you need mental clarity and this essential oil will definitely help.

Basil Oil

Basil when used in a diffuser helps balance mood and increase estrogen levels. To tackle hot flashes, dilute this oil and use it on feet, back and neck. The benefits of basil cannot be overlooked when looking for a natural hot flash remedy.

Rose Oil

This oil pretty much works like geranium oil. It can stimulate the production of estrogen in the body. This natural action helps balance out hormones. The oil can also reduce pain, ease anxiety and enhance libido.

Jasmine Oil

There are so many things that jasmine essential oil can do for you. It eases hot flashes, lowers inflammation, improves sleep, deals with anxiety and more. Holistic wellness when tackling hot flashes is key quick recovery. Therefore, all-rounded oils like jasmine are advised.

DIY Essential Oil Recipes

Blending essential oils enhances efficacy and knowing which oils to blend for hot flashes is important. Keep in mind that you can use these blends in a diffuser, as massage oil or even in the bath. A rule of thumb is to use a good carrier oil when applying topically. Below are top blend recipes for hot flashes;

1. Day And Night Sweat Blend

You will need;

Grapefruit – 10 drops
Sage – 5 drops
Thyme – 5 drops
Lime – 10 drops


For diffusing, mix all the above and put in a diffuser. For massage purposes, dilute the above mix with a carrier oil like coconut, argan, jojoba or grapeseed oils.You can also add this blend to your bath. This is a soothing blend that helps your symptoms while soothing your body.

2. Simple Hot Flash Blend

You will need;

Sage – 2 drops
Clary sage – 10 drops
Geranium – 11 drops
Lemon – 7 drops


Mix all the above and diffuse. For body massage, use 2 tablespoons of macadamia or argan carrier oil. You can massage the blend all over your body and can be used in the bath. Feel free to experiment with various oils to discover the best blend for you. Just make sure to do it safely.

Closing Thoughts

Hot flashes are associated with low levels of estrogen. However, there are many factors that affect this symptom. Things like inflammation, liver health, adrenal function and even emotional stress play a role. Easing hot flashes and night sweats is threforefore best done wholesomely. Essential oils of all kinds support you to achieve the right results. Before using these oils for hot flashes, seek expert advice from a healthcare professional. Always use oils as directed to get the most out of them. Also, buy high quality oils and oil diffusers.

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Top DIY Essential Oil Recipes For Hot Flashes

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  1. This is a great article! I didn’t realize there were so many different oils to help with hot flashes and night sweats. I love that the article includes recipes to enhance the effectiveness.

  2. Muito interessante todos esses óleos, desconhecia que existiam tantos, vou ter de experimentar alguns que me pareceram interessantes

  3. Great informative article thank you! Remember most citrus oils are photo toxic. If used on the skin don’t expose to sunlight afterwards.

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